Cultural Park and Castle of Rentilly – France. Veilhan, Bona and Lemercier

The castle of Rentilly, dating from the 16th century, is located in Seine-et-Marne on two municipalities – Bussy-Saint-Martin and Bussy-Saint-Georges – in the eastern suburbs of Paris.

Built after the war on the ruins of its predecessor, itself many times renovated, destroyed, rebuilt since its founding in 1529, before ending up in flames in 1944.

The local authoritie recently wanted to create a contemporary art center there, for which the artist Xavier Veilhan proposed “Why not keep it while making it disappear?” : the exterior of the castle is now completely covered with stainless steel plates and one-way mirrors. The interior was entrusted to architects Philippe Bona and Elisabeth Lemercier, who chose to restructure everything.


The construction of the "Château de Rentilly" (Rentilly Castle), under the orders of Jean Bourdereul, lawyer in the parliament, dates from the beginning of the 16th century. It was bought by Jean de Ligny, secretary to King Henri IV and his wife Anne Duguet, in 1599 who ordered an entire reconstruction of the building. Many owners follow one another, the complete reconstruction of the castle begins in 1774 and ends in 1780.
The castle was requisitioned during World War II and served as barracks for a mobile reserve group. The castle was burnt down at the Liberation, on August 22, 1944. Jacques Menier, owner since 1913, had it rebuilt between 1954 and 1957 in the Directoire style.